Posted On: 13 Oct, 2022. 3 minread
If you are already a registered merchant on Razorpay, you will find the API Keys by following the below steps:
1. Login into your RazorPay Dashboard with appropriate credentials
2. Select the Live mode for which you want to generate the API key
3. Navigate to Settings → API Keys → Generate Key to generate key for the selected mode
The Key Id and Key Secret appear on a pop-up page. Copy these and paste them on your Zopping dashboard.
If you do not have a valid business account with Razorpay, you can follow this guide to get one.
Note: Razorpay compliance team does a sanity check of your online store by looking for the below details on the home page of your online store. They can either disable your API keys or set a cap on the money you can collect in a month via these API keys, if they find the following information missing. So, please ensure that you have them configured.